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How to Win Your Never-Ending Battle With Clutter at Home

Have you ever felt upset by clutter in your home? Are you constantly trying to find ways to keep your house clean and organised? You are not alone – clutter can cause stress and anxiety and even impact physical and mental health.

This blog post aims to explain why people clutter, how it impacts their lives, and how they can eliminate it. So let’s get started if you’re ready to fight clutter at home!

Clutter: Why Do People Have It?

Clutter is a widespread problem that impacts many people in different areas of their lives. Besides physical, it can affect mental health as well. However, have you ever thought about what is causing this clutter?

Clutter is a sign of disorganisation and can be caused by many factors:

How Clutter Impacts Mental Health

Clutter does not affect everyone in the same way. A perfectionist, for instance, may become more stressed by chaos. However, the impact of clutter is something people experience in one way or another. Whether living in a tiny flat with limited storage space or a large home with plenty of room, clutter can be overwhelming and cause stress. The mess in the house is associated with higher pressure, frustration and even depression. It can also lead to physical health problems such as headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

When dealing with clutter, remember that it isn’t just about the physical mess — it also affects mental health. It can also lead to guilt because you think you should be able to keep your home tidy but don’t have the time or energy to do so.

Get Rid of Clutter in Easy and Quick Steps

It may seem like a stressful task just by imagining how you have to part with the items you own, but why would you keep it if it doesn’t add any value to your life? Declutter and make room in your home for what matters; you will feel much better. By doing this step, you may look at your home in another way.

Decluttering is a way to relieve stress because it gives us a sense of control and accomplishment.

For others, the need to get rid of junk is just the best way to bring with them only worthy items when moving to a new house. However, organising and improving your home has more benefits than you might imagine. There are practical techniques that can help you win the war against clutter.

Get Started With Deep Cleaning

This step will help you see everything in your house. It will also help you eliminate things you don’t use and ensure everything has its place. Deep cleaning touches every room from top to bottom, focusing on difficult-to-reach areas.

You might need professional help from local experts to provide a deep cleaning or consider booking a regular cleaning service. Professional domestic cleaners can also advise on maintaining a clean and healthy home.

Set Goals

Making a plan is the first step to this adventure. It is good to start with a plan because no matter how many rooms you have to get through, knowing your goals will help you reduce frustration initially. Set milestones for yourself and break the adventure into smaller, achievable goals to make it easy. This method will help you stay motivated and focused on completing tasks.

Focus on One Area at a Time

You’ll have to put in a lot of effort to organise your entire house, so begin with an area with a clear plan. For example, organise your bookshelf as a simple first step. Then, when you finish, you’ll be more confident about the next one.

Set Target Dates

Consider the amount of work involved when setting a deadline. For example, organising your closet may take hours, but tidying up your garage could take days.

Recycle or Donate

You should sort the items that you find around the house. Make a list of everything you want to keep and what you want to eliminate. Moreover, you can donate unwanted belongings to local charities or recycle them.

Make it Easy to Find Regularly Used Items

Store the items you use most frequently in easy-to-reach places. You can stay more organised by using them effectively and putting them away quickly.

Keep Your Place in Order

Cleaning regularly, optimising storage space, and removing unnecessary items are essential for success. Set aside a certain amount of time each day to tidy up.

Get creative with storage solutions so that you can make the most of the space you have. For example, consider adding shelves, hanging organisers, and other pieces of furniture to store items.


Decluttering does not have to be stressful. You can start slowly and organise your home and life item by item. You will eventually make each room in your house more functional and clear of clutter. Declutterd home would improve your mental health, reduce stress, and positively affect your household. And, you’ll personally feel much better thanks to the balance you achieve in your life.

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