A Fall Cleaning Guide: 7 Tips for a Seasonal Deep Clean

The fall season is a great time to enjoy the crisp air and breathtaking views of a red and gold landscape. It’s also a great time to embrace the transformation of the season with a refreshing, deep clean at home. Fall cleaning is about more than tidying up the couch with all that dog hair and finally dusting under your home appliances. It’s an opportunity to prepare for cozy gatherings and holidays as we head into the colder months ahead. Keep reading to learn about seven tips for a seasonal deep clean with our fall cleaning guide.

  1. Declutter First — First things first — you want to declutter items around your home before you actually start cleaning. Decide what things you want to keep and what other things can be discarded or donated. A smart place to start is with outdated or worn-out clothing. Then, start going room-by-room to look for any knick-knacks or decorations that no longer speak to you. You may have a junk drawer filled with junk you don’t use or is just completely taking up valuable space.
  2. Create a Cleaning Checklist — Decide what areas you want to tackle at home. Do you tend to let the dust build up in the corner of your room? Have you let the baseboards go untouched for months at a time? When’s the last time you’ve done a thorough cleaning of your forgotten clothing that’s filled with pet hair? It’s time to throw your clothing in the dryer with dryer sheets for pet hair. Go on and wipe down those baseboards and make your way to the corner of the room with a duster. Once you put together a cleaning checklist, you can start marking off all the rooms and spaces at home that have been neglected or simply forgotten about.
  3. Focus on the Fabrics — Fabrics at home can mean curtains that haven’t been washed all year and the upholstered couch cushions that need a little TLC. If you have pets at home, you’ll also have to think about the additional challenge of removing pet hair from all of the fabric and furniture at home. Not to fear — use a pet grooming kit as both a preventative and reactive measure. Use the kit to groom your pet with a deshedder. Then, use any of the other grooming tools to actually remove pet hair from any non-knit surface.
  4. Deep Clean Home Appliances — It’s essential to deep clean your home appliances every once in a while, ideally seasonally, so they continue to stay hygienic and function optimally. The fall season is a great time to start a deep cleaning of your appliances. Remove racks from your oven and microwave to clean them. Discard any expired items and remove shelves and drawers from your fridge to clean them. Your dishwasher filter should also be removed and cleaned. You can wipe down the drum in your washing machine and clean out the detergent dispenser.


  1. Wash Windows — Windows should be cleaned on both sides, and getting that spotless window look requires systematic cleaning. Begin by removing debris and dirt with a brush or dry cloth. Then, prepare a solution of mild dish soap and warm water or a specific window cleaner. Work from the top to the bottom of your window with a microfiber cloth or soft sponge to scrub the glass in a zigzag motion. Stubborn spots can be removed with a mixture of water and white vinegar.
  2. Prep the Outdoor Area — The fall season may mean you’re hosting upcoming holidays like Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving. It’s the last season of the year when you may be able to enjoy outdoor festivities before it gets too cold. You can prep your outdoor area by removing leaves and decluttering any items that could obstruct guests. Replace burned out bulbs, mow the lawn and trim your bushes. Ensure your pathways are safe and clear. Consider setting up a designated food and beverage area and outdoor rugs and seating for more comfort.


  1. Embrace Seasonal Scents — As tempted as we may be to have our favorite pumpkin scent in the form of a candle or an essential oil at home, we also need to be wary about what scents may or may not be pet-safe. The Preventative Vet advises that it’s best to stick to pet-safe scents. You can try a pet odor exterminator candle or a smoke-free scented candle warming plate. You could even try making a DIY air freshener with rock salts, cloves, medical-grade essential oil and a pet-safe fabric softener.

By utilizing any of these deep cleaning tips, you’re well on your way to having that dreamy home this fall. Take these next few months as an opportunity to declutter not only your physical space but also your mind as you decide how you want to create an inviting and warm environment for you and your loved ones. Our loved ones aren’t just our family and friends. They’re also our furry best friends who deserve the best. Make your home extra cozy with the best pet hair remover that can groom your pet AND remove all that extra dog fur and cat hair from your furniture, carpets and clothing at home.

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